Friday, April 07, 2006

General Knowledge - Quiz

Category : Quiz

Tickle your brain with these questions that test your General Awareness

  1. What does a doctor use to hear the heart beat of person?
  2. Who invented the polio vaccine?
  3. What do you call the green pigment in plants?
  4. Which Indian king gave up war and embraced Buddhism?
  5. Which country is described as the ‘Playground of Europe’?
  6. What is the strait that links the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean?
  7. Where will the 2008 Olympics be held?
  8. Which is the fastest land animal?
  9. Who said, ‘‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever’’.
  10. Which metal is a liquid under normal conditions?
  11. What is the currency of Japan?
  12. What is the capital of Greece?
  13. Who was the first president of U.S.A.?
  14. Which one is correct : 3 and 3 are 9 or 3 and 3 is 9?
  15. Where do you find the Eiffel tower?
  16. What do you call the long loose robe with wide sleeves worn by the Japanese women?
  17. What poisonous gas is present in the exhaust fumes of vehicles?
  18. What is the national symbol of Canada?
  19. Which is heavier - a ton of iron or cotton?
  20. Why is hydrogen not used to fill gas balloons?

  1. Stethoscope
  2. Jonas Salk
  3. Chlorophyll
  4. Emperor Ashoka
  5. Switzerland
  6. Gibraltar Strait
  7. Beizing, China
  8. Cheetah
  9. John Keats
  10. Mercury
  11. Yen
  12. Athens
  13. George Washington
  14. Both are wrong.
  15. Paris,France
  16. Kimono
  17. Carbon monoxide (CO)
  18. Maple Leaf
  19. Both weigh the same - a ton each.
  20. It is inflammable.

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